Hubungan Discovery Learning terhadap Motivasi Belajar IPA Siswa SMPN 2 Talang Ubi
Motivasi Belajar, Sains, Discovery Learning, Science, Middle School Students, Learning MotivationAbstract
This research aims to address the problem of students' lack of motivation in learning science by testing the discovery learning model. The distance from students' homes is also a factor that contributes to learning motivation. The research was conducted at SMPN 2 Talang Ubi, South Sumatra, using a correlational quantitative approach. The population consists of 72 class VII students. Data collection was carried out through questionnaires and non-test observations. Each statement in the questionnaire uses a Likert scale. The validity and reliability of the instrument were confirmed. Pearson correlation test and t-test were used to test the significance of the relationship between learning models and learning motivation. The research results show a significant relationship between the two variables with a correlation coefficient of 0.743 and a significance of 0.00 <0.05, which shows a strong positive relationship between the discovery learning model and students' science learning motivation.
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