Pengembangan Modul Ajar Berbasis Augmented Reality (AR) Terintegrasi Nilai-Nilai Islam untuk Peserta Didik SMP
teaching module, augmented reality (AR), integrated islamic values, mastery of conceptsAbstract
This study aims to develop a teaching module based on Augmented Reality (AR) integrated with Islamic values as a learning resource on the topic of global warming. The type of development used in this study is Research and Development (R&D) with the ADDIE model. The feasibility test was conducted by subject matter experts and media experts. The instruments in this study include validation sheets, media assessment sheets, and concept mastery test sheets. The assessment results indicate that (a) the AR-based teaching module integrated with Islamic values on the topic of global warming is considered highly feasible by subject matter experts and media experts, (b) the AR-based teaching module integrated with Islamic values on the topic of global warming can be used as a science learning medium, and (c) the AR-based teaching module integrated with Islamic values can help students in mastering the concepts.
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